Termites attack your home and eat cellulose-containing organic materials. These small insects can cause your home to collapse if left untreated, though it can take years and depend on the intensity of the termite infestation. However, because even a few termites on your property can be deadly, you should not wait until your home is structurally compromised to address them. You should hire professional pest control experts like Cape Code Termite Solution to arrange a routine termite check-up.
To survive, termites require cellulose and moisture. When these insects locate food supplies in the house, such as wood, they send out a signal for the rest of the colony to follow. As a result, these colonies grow, and the termites will mature simply by devouring the cellulose in your wooden constructions or household objects.
The rate at which termites wreak havoc on your property is determined by the wood type and the surrounding climate. A termite can take up to 3,000 years to eat its way through a 1,000-square-foot house on average. Unfortunately, termites do not work, move, or live separately. This is done in colonies, which shortens the timescale.
Millions of termites can form a colony, which can mature and interact with neighboring colonies to spawn more termites. As a result, if termites infest your home, you may have a big problem on your hands. It would take a colony around half a year to destroy a slab of wood. As a result, the time it will take them to completely destroy a house or building will be determined by its size. Termite damage, on the other hand, may take 3 to 5 years to develop, depending on the number of colonies you’re dealing with.
Cape Code Termite Solution looks at a variety of indicators to assess whether or not there is a termite infestation. Unfortunately, many homeowners are unaware that termites have infested their property until they see significant damage to the woodwork. It is for this reason that termite inspection is so important. To avoid a termite infestation in your house, only professionals know what to search for first. These are some of them:
Termite infestation is sometimes referred to as your home’s silent murderer. If you detect a termite infestation in your house, don’t hesitate to contact Cape Code Termite Solution right away. We are dedicated to providing you with high-quality service, desired outcomes, and, most importantly, a termite-free house.